Monday, May 24, 2010

On our way to class

 Here are some pictures taken while on our 4 km trip to our tutor's home.The first picture is taken across from the church, and is a great view over the valley.  (We live about half way across).  The cigarette lighter-shaped building in the distance is the centre of Maia.  The coloured panels in the middle of the picture are sound barriers for the highway or autoestrada.  In the foreground is someone's garden--this section is mostly grapevines.
The next picture is just a laneway that looked interesting.  You'll notice shutters are often closed for privacy.
The 3rd picture is the Mosteiro in Aguas Santas. This church, Nossa Senhora de O, is dated 1120.
The fifth picture is taken from a one lane stone bridge and shows the tight corner where you have to watch out for other traffic-- I've noticed that trucks will toot to warn any oncoming traffic.
And from the bridge, you can see the river rushing down past an old mill, which now is a lovely restaurant, and our tutor's neighbour had their wedding reception here.

This is the street where our tutor lives, and their apartment building is just behind us.  We sometimes find parking where these cars are parked.  Since our car was in the garage, I (Audrey) enjoyed a walk to class, and was able to take these pictures--cobblestone roads make it just too bumpy to take pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there- Norm & Audrey--good to get a blog again! Interesting photos! How long did the walk to the tutor's take you?
